This hypothesis was proved
The Bermuda Triangle |
The Bermuda Triangle — is the so-called abnormal zone in the Atlantic Ocean which is approximately designated on the card in the form of a triangle whose tops are limited by three pieces (the peninsula Florida — Bermuda — Puerto Rico). Within this mystical area strange occurences are often observed: the navigation equipment fails, the whole ships and planes quite often disappear, even there were incidents when the gone ships nevertheless found, but with dead passengers on board. Until recently these mystical events remained a riddle, but quite recently, the Bermuda Triangle revealed the secrets the scientist. It appears, the reason of mysterious events is covered in natural gas methane. Such assumption was made by administration of the State Australian university of Monash. This hypothesis was proved by professor Joseph Monagan in the scientific union with the pupil David Meyn. Opening of researchers was in detail stated in article for authoritative in the world of science, the American magazine "Journal of Applied Physics".