
How to overcome apathy

The Improbable article based on Rami Blekt's book 


to overcome apathy
  The improbable article based on Rami Blekt's book which will help you to overcome apathy to learn, where to take energy for life to find happiness! The Ayurveda was part of revelation of Saint wise men who found comprehensive knowledge of the Universe. In it it is said that if the person moves ahead in spiritual life, it has to be visible on two signs: 1. The person every day becomes happier and happier. 2. Its relations with other people improve. If these signs it is not observed what would get prettier spiritual or religious practice of people was engaged, so it degrades. The original happiness comes from return, from the victim because we can feel love only during return. The selfish, greedy, envious person cannot love, and hardly who will fall in love with him and will want to communicate with him. Therefore, it cannot be happy. And we can give much in case we do not depend on this world. The it is less at us than attachments in this world, the more we are capable to give and, therefore, the more we can love. 

Means, you depend 


   If readiness to take, receive is, more, than readiness to give, so you depend. Receiving depends, giving does not depend. In the Ayurveda, the most ancient medical system which strikes with the depth and wisdom, it is claimed that in a root of all diseases and sufferings self-interest and envy as these qualities increase egoism, concentration on themselves, greed lies. And what becomes with body or a cage which do not want to work for all organism but only to receive and consume organism resources? Such bodies become cancer and if the organism does not get rid of them, it perishes. And the Universe in general seeks to get rid of cancer cells – selfish people, or even civilizations in general, first of all, ceasing to give them energy. The brightened-up Arias specified in the canons that civilizations perish not as a result of wars, natural disasters, etc. and because everyone starts thinking only of himself, only of taking, but not to give. And the basic principle of harmony – an exchange of energiya. Only it opens hearts of people for love and does the world happy. 

Lack of energy is the first sign of the coming nearer misfortunes and diseases

Spiritual homeostasis 


Means, you depend
   Egoism, self-interest are dangerous that they destroy a homeostasis. A homeostasis — this condition of full harmony between the inner and Outside world. In order that there was a homeostasis, the living being has to emit energy. If energy is not emitted, the living being starts depending on Wednesday. The main principle of independence of the world is an allocation of energy by the living being. The homeostasis begins on the spiritual plan and extends on physical and chemical. In order that there was a homeostasis spiritual, we should not depend on the world. After all, the more strongly I depend on the world in any sphere, the quicker I will be destroyed by changes of this world. We have to stop being the consumer, we have to give much more. But if we give at the levels physical, emotional, etc., ourselves have to take somewhere. And we can take energy only at the divine level where it is present at unlimited number. This most true Highest spiritual energy passes through us if we do not quash feeling of love, we feel that the feeling of love has to operate us that we are secondary if we can keep this feeling even if we lose human (money, prestige, darling, etc.). Through feeling of unconditional love to us there is the main energy which is spent for everything.

And unless can be differently 


to become happy
   The food gives us energy on the External plan, but takes away it on the internal. Notice, people who periodically fast, are much more vigorous, than the one who eats much. Therefore when we get sick, we do not want to eat, through a post the organism is cleared and restores energy. All this world with his constant stresses, and also the food, not spiritual communication, chaotic sex, concerns – take away energy, and the post, a privacy give it. But the biggest receiving energiya goes through continuous feeling of love. Therefore one of the first rules of health is to love the world with all shortcomings, itself (whatever I was), the destiny in all situations, under any vital circumstances. Make every effort to get rid of egoism and self-interest. Set a life goal – finding of Divine love because from the purpose we take energy, and already only the strong aspiration in itself to Divine love fills us with the highest energy. Pay attention that our civilization lives under the motto: "Consume, consume, consume!". Thus the number of happy and healthy people decreases every day. Problems at the state and interstate level grow every day. Also neither new drugs, nor various techniques from a series do not help: "How to become happy and healthy", a set of public organizations. The number of the people who are ill "a syndrome of chronic fatigue" increases every day. And unless can be differently? The after all brightened-up wise men of all spiritual schools, modern progressive scientists claim: all that goes from a false ego, from mercenary motives even if externally looks as a good cause, conducts to destruction and sufferings. And all that goes with all the heart, that is with feeling of Unconditional Love conducts to pleasure, health and full harmony of the personality and her environment. Thin energy we receive 

Thin energy we receive when: 


   * we starve; * we carry out breathing exercises; * we retire; * we vow silence for some time; * we walk (or simply we are) on the seashore, on the mountains, we behold beautiful landscapes of the nature; * we are engaged disinterestedly in creativity; * we eulogize the worthy personality, for her sublime qualities and acts; * we laugh, rejoice, smile with all the heart; * disinterestedly we help someone; * we show modesty; * we pray before food; * we eat products (vital energy) – natural cereals, porridges, melted butter, honey, fruit, vegetables; * we sleep from 10th evening, to two o'clock in the morning (in other time the nervous system has not a rest, how many we would not sleep); * we receive a session of good massage, from the harmonious personality. Or we do self-massage; * we have a shower bath cold water, especially in the mornings and the strongest effect if we thus stand barefoot on the earth; * we endow the time, money; * we see behind all divine will.

To loss of energy bring: 


   * despondency, discontent with destiny, a regret about the past and fear, rejection of the future; * statement and prosecution of the selfish purposes; * aimless existence; * offenses; * overeating; * uncontrolled wandering of mind, inability to concentrate; * when we eat fried or old food, the food cooked by the person in anger or testing other negative emotions, when using the microwave oven, the products containing the preservatives, chemical additives which are grown up in artificial conditions with use of chemical fertilizers; * eating of the food deprived of a prana – coffee, black tea, white sugar, a white flour, meat, alcohol; * food in haste and under way; * smoking; *, especially, if we thus someone criticize insignificant talks, we condemn; * wrong breath, for example, too frequent and deep; * stay under direct beams of the Sun, from 12 to 4 days, especially in the desert; * chaotic sexual communications, sex without desire and especially without love to the partner; * an excessive dream, a dream after the 7th morning, a lack of a dream; * tension of mind and body; * avidity and greed. 

To be filled with vital force 


angry and angry
   East psychology for 50% consists of a pranayama – the theory and practice certain respiratory the technician which allow the person to be always filled with the vital force (Prana). According to the modern brightened-up teachers of yoga, we can be taken Prana through: 1. Earth element: to eat natural food, to live outdoors, to behold trees, to go barefoot on the ground. Recently I communicated with very famous ayurvedichesky doctor who defended the dissertation on medicine, he claimed that if the person starts living outdoors, far from big cities which compel to go to the subway, to go on asphalt, at such person immunity is quickly restored and he starts leading healthy life. 2. Water element: to drink water from wells or streams. To float in the river or the sea. To avoid to drink caffeine the containing drinks, alcohol and soda. 3. Fire element: stay on the Sun and the use of the food containing the Sunlight. 4. Air element: it is the most important element of receiving Prana, through inhalation of clean air, especially in mountains, in the wood and on the seashore. Smoking and stay in places of a big congestion of people, deprives of the person of a prana. 5. Air element: cultivating positive thinking, kindness, good mood. And this level is considered basic. Because even if the person lives outdoors and eats properly, but thus goes angry and angry, on the contrary, surplus of Prana will even quicker destroy him. to Bring 

The life the benefit 


the end
   On the other hand the harmonious person, that is good-natured, fearless, can stretch long enough in the city if he is compelled to live there. But even such person needs to watch food and periodically "to escape" on the nature. In the cities a source of a prana are churches, temples, monasteries. We have every second a choice – to shine the world, to bring the life the benefit and happiness to people around, to smile, care of others, to serve disinterestedly, to endow, constrain the lowest motives, to see in each person Uchitelya, in each situation to see the Divine foresight which created this situation in order that to teach us to something, to thank … Or to make a claim, to take offense, complain, envy, to go with a wedge-shaped look, to plunge into the problems, into earning money, for this purpose what to spend them for satisfaction of feelings, to show aggression. In this case in independence of that, how many the person of money, will have him unfortunate and gloomy. And every day of energy will be less and less. And in order that somewhere to take it, artificial stimulators will be necessary: coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, night clubs, a showdown with someone. All this gives rise in the beginning, but as a result leads to final fracture … Simple regular question to itself: "I shine the world or I absorb light?" can quickly change the course of our thoughts and, therefore, acts. And quickly to turn our life into the beautiful bright shine full of love. And then questions where to take energy, do not arise any more …

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