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Life and health |
Scientists have calculated that a man can live more than 100 years. But scientists are often wrong. No one really can say how long is the human life, people in 99% out of 100% more and more likely to die from disease, accidents, accidents but not of old age. After analyzing the situation of their friends and family, unfortunately the result was sad. All
they died of prolonged illness. Even if we remember the story of how our country and others, starting with great people, rulers, and to ordinary peasants, I don't remember a single episode where it ever says that the man died of old age. Many rulers had died at a young age, such as France, most were poisoned by the closest relatives (in the struggle for the throne of all good), those who managed to survive overtook the French revolution and they ended his life on the scaffold. Our sovereigns, and their servants, who died from a heart "attack" who was ousted from the throne in a coup, and of course revolution "finished off" those who managed to survive. There are many such examples. But the stories about centenarians who sometimes get into our press can be counted on "the fingers".
Why is this happening. Why it was in the past, historians may think, why is this happening now, in the age of enlightenment, technical development, in an age of such strong development of science, technology, breakthroughs such big medicine in the treatment of various diseases, from which he died in the early 20th century. And there are several reasons.
Perhaps people have lost the instinct of self-preservation or steel too much to hope for "medicine", "magic pill" and believe in anything but ourselves and our own strength. People no longer trust myself.
First, it is our food. Now it is accepted to criticize the Soviet system, but the good that was then - this is government control over the food. People born before the 80-ies of the 20th century was lucky to "grow" healthy and real food. Then there was a real sausage, dairy products, confectionery products, ie, as they say now without GMO products.
From what is now written on the labels, the phrase "does not contain GMOs and preservatives" doesn't mean they are not there. In the pursuit of profit and the profit the manufacturers do not disdain anything, and the health of the nation has long ceased to interest the officials that we have allowed to control our government. And parents absolutely do not think about what they are feeding their children. Example, my work colleague bought the biscuits my daughter. I read the structure from which it is made and she noticed that there were a lot of dyes and preservatives (products of group E), to which she replied: "it is better not to read and not to know, most importantly, it's delicious and like my child." And that in a few years the kid gets stomach problems, she did not even try to think. People live one day.
Secondly, it is our medicine. Our conventional medicine treats the consequence of the disease but not the cause. In mild indisposition people run to the drugstore and buy antibiotics and other medicines, and "stuffed" them in your body.
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Life and health |
But most "terrible" that children they start to "feed" antibiotics in usual colds. As a result, children grow frail and weak, and die in physical education classes in 10-14 years. But all these pills and antibiotics, there is an alternative – folk remedies or as it is commonly called alternative medicine. I still use them in various diseases. And I believe that to poison your body with pills I will always have time, why not cure yourself with herbs.the sky and clouds
Here you can write a fourth, and fifths and tenths. But this is already written many books, shot a lot of documentary programs and who is interested in this, he will find it and wonder about it. And someone like an ostrich will hide its head in the sand.
Thirdly, a healthy lifestyle. Look around you, look closely at people who surround us. Students are already smoke and drink beer and other low alcohol drinks, not even hiding from prying eyes. The nation is slowly, but inevitably falls into the abyss. Smoking, alcohol and drug addiction is the destiny of our time. And how can a sick nation to produce healthy offspring. What is the sport, people only remember sitting in front of the television watching sports programs. Only few people go to the gym. The rest of us find a thousand reasons not to do so. Yes women exhaust themselves with diets or plastic surgeries, instead of just sports. Which is healthier for the body and economical in monetary terms.
But one conclusion we and only we are to blame for what is not lived as many years as would like. Someone will say, "how many allotted so much and live". Not true. This is just an attempt to shift responsibility for their lives and actions on the other, in this case God. To have someone to blame for their failures. But it is God who has given us freedom of choice, and we choose how long we live on this planet Earth and how.
Think about it, we die from diseases, not old age and blame us.
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